Learning at St Bernard’s College
We provide:
- Continuous Year 7 to 13 education
- English tuition for speakers of other languages
- A caring Christian environment
- An extensive range of sports and cultural activities
- Easy access to staff who listen
- Many opportunities for music and other performing arts
- Strong home-school partnerships
- Māori and Pacific cultural groups
- Appreciation of other cultures
- Regular Catholic liturgies
- Commitment to community service
- Consistently high external examination results
- Encouragement at every level of ability
- Debating, public speaking and scripture reading
- Diversity of academic and vocational courses
- Sound academic education
- Learning programmes for students with special needs
- Teamwork and quality coaching
- Success in major sporting codes
Why a Year 7 to 13 School?
St Bernard’s College combines the best features of primary and secondary schooling for its students in Year 7 and 8. They have both a home-room environment and the extended specialist resources normally available only in secondary schools.
This helps the boys in Years 7 and 8 by giving them:
- The security and stability of a caring home-room class with a home-room teacher who teaches them for about half of the time
- Access to a diverse range of experiences subjects and skills
- Subject specialist teachers for the balance of the programme
- The opportunity to establish clear and long-term goals that they can achieve by staying at the same school
- Fully resourced science laboratories, art room, music suite, gymnasium and a state-of-the-art technology block
- Many opportunities for music and other performing arts
This model also benefits the older boys, since the primary approach of mixed ability teaching emphasis on the form class and strong pastoral care are maintained throughout the school.
Junior Years and Beyond
The Junior Studies Department is housed at the Anderson Grove end of the College campus. Students’ learning and welfare are supported by a Director of Junior Studies and Dean of Years 7 and 8.
The full core curriculum is taught to all students. Art, Dance, Drama, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education, Science and Technology are taught by specialist teachers. Assistance is available for those students with special learning or behavioural needs.
Students may learn a musical instrument of their choice through the music tuition programme. Information Technology and Computing courses are available for all students. The Technology curriculum is taught in modern well-resourced facilities.
Year 9 and beyond
From Year 9, students are taught by specialist teacher for their full programme. They are timetabled to move to different rooms and teachers each period. In Year 9, students study English, Mathematics, Religious Education, Science, Social Studies, Technology, Physical Education, Art, Music, Health , and Computing. Year 9 students have the choice of studying one language.
As students advance beyond Year 9 they progressively get more options from which to choose in their course of study. In their senior years students are offered a wide range of subjects catering for diverse student interests and differing academic abilities.
Religious Education
All Students undertake a programme in Religious Education.
The Religious Education programme is taught according to the Religious Education Curriculum authorised by the New Zealand Bishops’ Conference. This curriculum teaches students what the Catholic Church believes, celebrates, lives and prays.
The curriculum also assists young people to develop a relationship with God and to be living witnesses to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as members of the Catholic Church, always recognising that this depends on each person’s free faith response.
Through the Religious Education Department students participate in retreats, St Vincent de Paul Society and Roman Catholic initiation programmes. Leadership oppurtunities and the Young Catholic Leaders group in the College.
Extension and Learning Support
Extension of Gifted or More Able Students – students who are gifted or more able are given opportunities for extension and enrichment. Students in Years 9 and 10 are placed into classes with consideration given to their academic abilities. In Years 11 and 13 a wide variety of options cater for students of all abilities. There are many opportunities for students to enter competitions in different subjects throughout the year. We are proud of the excellent results our students gain in these competitions.
English Language and Learning Support
St Bernard’s College makes a very strong commitment to English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). Those students who need extra assistance with English (as a second language) are assessed and an appropriate plan is put in place. In Years 9 and 10, students who have language difficulties are provided with additional English tuition.
Our Learning Support department is well resourced and has a caring family atmosphere. Students are carefully assessed to determine what assistance they require with their learning. Teacher aides help students in their learning. Individual education plans are set up for those students who need academic or behaviour management assistance.
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